De beste kant van greenleaf

De beste kant van greenleaf

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I was so deeply moved by this voorstelling that it led me to write my first review on here. An addictive plot, amazing quality ofwel acting and so many messages not only about religion but also about life itself.. The performance has a way of pulling the audience inside ofwel its world, making us feel like we are one of the Greenleafs. I am white; however I felt at home watching this opvoering.

But my praise ends there. A solid cast in an interesting setting largely goes wasted in teleplay scripts so inept that they look like film school dropouts wrote them.

If you can't find anything better, just check it out for yourself. Just don't expect a fantastic story filled with an interesting plot, great dialogues and scenes. It's mediocre at best. Two seasons was doable for me.

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Oprah would not put her name on junk. I'm white and feel at home watching this opvoering and totally vested in the characters. I'm still only half-way through season 3 and dread having the show end. Surprise! Just announced filming will begint for season 5.

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I was prepared to be bored by this series but have been pleasantly surprised.The story lines of each of the characters are seemingly innocent but, become more complex with each episode.

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I love Greenleaf because it isnt too serious, the storylines are dramatic but not to dark. Its a nice break from reality, yes some bits may be abit unrealistic but I enjoy it and will continue to watch it!

She has returned to the family and to the church but at the beginning of the story she has no intention ofwel standing at the pulpit and making grand religious-biblical pronouncements as she had 20 years earlier. Enigszins before she's stepped back into their house, Lady Mae tells Grace "not to cause trouble for their family". Zing. We know this reunion ofwel Grace with the Greenleaf family is going to cause trouble. Ofwel course if there wasn't trouble, there wouldn't be a opvoering!

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